With Robot, it has been officially proved that even outside his territory of Tamil Nadu, there's not much the cult actor can't accomplish. If there's a movie in India which sells not because it flaunts beauty queen Aishwarya Rai, then you know there is a reason way larger and less superficial. And it's Rajnikanth. The 160 crore budgeted film 'Robot' it truly larger than life and is breaking all sorts of records.
I watched Robot a few days back, catching the late night show. The theatre, as it usually isn't after 10,
was packed with young kids, couples, old and new, and parents carrying little kids on the brink of slumber. But it was completely packed. And although I won't go to the extent of praising the movie, however,
I did find it amusing, for a good half and a half. Enthiran was over the top in true Rajni style. It was definitely entertaining(although the towards the end it tends to stretch) and a new step in the evolutionary chart for indian cinematic technology. The movie was dubbed in hindi so some of the songs originally meant to be in tamil caught me by surprise and I have to admit I could tell it wasn't Gulzar. Anyway, it told me that this 60 something man is a real star in every sense of the word. His fans have sworn eternal loyalty to him and whatever he does is pure gold. After his superhit Shivaji, his much awaited Robot has him return to the screen with a bang! He's everywhere, even the internet is swarming with jokes about the infallibilty of this Tamil hero. Here are some funny ones including Chuck Norris fans going head to head with Rajini fans.
It struck me that nobody is bollywood enjoys this status nowadays. 'Stars' come and go, they are put on a pedestal and dropped at will. If god is an actor, he does not work in bollywood.
And that is what makes south indian movies different from hindi ones or any other. Since I half descend from Kerala, I have noticed over the years that when one goes to a theatre anywhere in south india and watches a supermovie (films starring top actors), it's always the male actors who get the whistles and cheers, from the men in the audience! No matter how beautiful and well-known your actress is, these superheroes take the cake. And I realise that theirs no fooling this audience with something as superficial as appearence, if you've got nothing to back it up with. Say, something like the ability to walk horizontally to the ground, on the side of a train!
It's not about the way you look, or the way you dress. Never the glamour. Always the style. It's all about personality. All about charisma. If the south indian moviegoers believe you got these three, they'll worship you with a passion. But i think it's also a lot about humility.
Rajinikanth's life hasn't been this easy. He used to work as a bus conductor. Wow, isn't that the stuff movies are made of! And maybe his cult status is a little surreal but nobody can deny him his talent and unearthly powers (on celluloid). That is Rajinikanth. And it's probably this life story that keeps his feet grounded to the earth and keeps his fanbase growing evermore....
If only our mainstream Bollywood stars of today, with their unauthenticity, air of grandiosity, and their inability to impress us, could learn a little about humility and talent, or atleast how to use their talent in Rajini style, i.e., getting rich and famous by making it look 'cool' for us to spend our money and time on them.
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